New York Traffic Lawyers


New NYC traffic lawyers are complex and complicated. Getting a ticket brings financial penalties and points on your license which increase insurance rates, and can even risk job security for professional drivers. Often the best strategy to avoid the consequences is to hire a NY traffic lawyer.

How NYC Traffic Lawyers Can Help You

The first step is to contest the ticket by pleading not guilty and responding by the deadline. After that a hearing will be scheduled at the Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) where an Administrative Law Judge will decide your guilt or innocence. The judge may suspend or revoke your driver’s license, as well as issue fines and penalties.

An experienced nyc traffic lawyer will know the legal process and TVB procedures inside and out. They will analyze the specific circumstances of your case and develop a tailored defense strategy. They will question the accuracy of radar readings, examine breathalyzer test results and search for procedural errors. They will also negotiate with the prosecutor to have the ticket reduced to a non-moving violation that does not result in points or an insurance premium hike.

Many drivers simply plead guilty and pay their fine, but this could be a costly mistake. Hiring an experienced nyc traffic lawyer will save you money, and potentially prevent your license from being suspended or revoked. They will also spare you the time and hassle of going to court on your own and dealing with any resulting stress, inconvenience, or lost wages.